more and less in 2024

I love seeing people post their ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ for the year ahead. Some are much more holistic, where others are dramatic and hilarious, I enjoy both. Jumping off the idea of New Year's Resolutions, it seems like a quick way to outline what you do and do not want in your life for the upcoming year - which is important!

I started creating my own lists, with no real intention to share, and thought it could be fun to do a work edition and a personal edition and share it here. I saw a few posts using ‘more’ and ‘less’ which I prefer. ‘Ins’ and ‘outs’ are black and white to me, and with the reality of things being in many shades of gray, the words ‘more’ and ‘less’ resonated more. It also feels like an easier transition to adding and removing these things and ideas from our lives. Like, I wish my poor posture would be gone starting tomorrow, but that may not be such an easy feat! Now, these lists are not all-encompassing but serve as larger focus points.

Let’s start with my work edition. I know you may look at these and wish me good freaking luck, but hey this is a start and I believe in moving forward, not letting things be because “that’s how they’ve always been.” Work - freelance and full-time - and I are in a tough spot right now, as I navigate through challenges and feel tested in different interactions. I love change, I love mixing things up, and in pushing for those things at work, I aim to see work become a place I can thrive and want to be - not just for me, but where everyone is cool to contribute and grow. There will always be a back and forth in a corporate environment, but I still aim for change and evolution. I am starting with my ‘more’ and ‘less’ and hoping that can help me identify more clearly where the things I want less show up and how I can change them.


True team environment

Leveling up communication skills

Holding boundaries

Holding companies to sustainability initiatives

Learning and adapting to others with different work styles

Taking ownership of your work - and not letting others steal your shine!

Giving team members a chance, believing in/uplifting new candidates

Pay equity!

Continuous learning of new skills

Humane/kind email and chat conversations - think of your tone, exclamations and ‘hello’ are okay!

Holding people accountable



Passive aggressive comments

Drawn out meetings

Silo’d leadership - get in touch with your employees!

Disrespectful interview processes

Trying to always be the ‘expert’

Outdated benefits policies

Ghosting meetings without notification

You can probably tell from my ‘more’ and ‘less’ where my pain points are with work. If I can make any change as an individual contributor to make others' lives more enjoyable at work, and create a livable balance with what I’d like to see more of, I’ll be happy!

Now, for my own personal ‘more’ and ‘less’


Reading fiction

Meditation and acupuncture

Committing to my daily walk

Chocolate (always more)

Homemade food and pantry items


Fun hair accessories


Creating with my hands


Sleep and intentional rest

Manifestation backed by neuroscience

Slowing down

Loving my body

Warm sun on my face



Mindless purchasing

Energy drainers



Focusing on other people’s behavior

Just going with the flow - I mean this to be less ‘not making better decisions that align with me’, probably more like ‘less people pleasing and more having an opinion’

Endless scrolling

Imposter syndrome - the feeling and the word - less of it!

Bad posture

I feel like I have a lot to say to wrap up what I am thinking, so I’ll go for it and hope it’s not jumbled.

In 2024, I am leaning into loving all parts of me more and the things that make me different and I hope you do that too. There may be things you want to change, and that’s okay - but how do we think about that in a positive way, rather than focusing on the negatives the way our society has groomed us to think? Yea, there are a lot of funny things that come out of commenting about the negative, but they can root further down and drain us.

I think there’s a Selena Gomez song that says “When it comes to me, I wouldn’t wanna be anybody else.” We’re our own unique self for a good reason, and bringing that into the workplace, or thriving in that in our everyday lives should be celebrated! Living as who we really are allows us to find and thrive in jobs, relationships, etc. that truly serve us and satisfy our own personal wants and needs.

I’d love to know if any of my ‘more’ or ‘less’ resonate with you, and if you have any others you’d add or remove for yourself.