it really is about the journey

The obligatory “How are we one third through March 2024 already?”. But truly, where has the time gone? As you can see I am a little behind on my vision board for March - but creating it made me really think about the things I want to strive for, the things I want in my life, that might be different from February, different from January.

My general outlook on what I want in life hasn’t changed much, and it’s not just this year. I’ve known what I’ve wanted for a long time, and I work every day towards those larger goals and dreams. I’ve often been reminded how I am a ‘woman who knows what she wants’ and I take that as a badge of honor, a badge that can, at times, hold a lot of weight.

To some, it may seem like a relief to know what you want in a world where we are presented with countless opportunities, in all spaces of life. For me, while it has been a great guiding light, it comes with impatience and frustration at times when I grapple with knowing what I want but not always how to get there or why I don’t have it yet. My mom is great at reminding me that I have no patience - but I am getting better!

One thing I’ve really learned in the last few years, thanks to personal growth and my personal relationships, is that knowing what you want is only half (or even less?) of the way we move through life. I come back to that cheesy line about life being about the journey, not the destination, and I believe it. If I had gotten everything I wanted when I knew I wanted it, who would I be? Certainly not who I am today, and I love her.

To anyone else who knows what they want but hasn't gotten there yet, try to remember that part of being alive is living, discovering, exploring, falling down and getting back up - and those are beautiful things. Take your time, go for what you want, and eventually you’ll get there, but make sure you’re having fun along the way. Driving too fast and hard towards your destination may make you keep your head down for too long and you might miss all the flowers and the sunshine out the window.

For March, I am going to let my mind rest (and hopefully rejuvenate) while I take a vacation. Hoping to hit April with a sense of renewal, freshness, and joy in my journey while keeping one eye on my destination - ha!

All images were snagged from Pinterest, therefore I do not take credit for any original thought surrounding them individually. They will not be used to make any profit on.