Black and white photo of Candace Larson with a striped shirt on and hair blown in her face

about me

Hello friend! My name is Candace Larson. Thank you for stopping by. This website is mostly dedicated to showcasing my design portfolio, but also serves to show you a glimpse of who I am as a person.

What do you want to know about me? I grew up in the south eastern United States and moved to California for college. I studied Graphic Design with my background and foundation being rooted in fine arts.

My goal as a designer is to create and influence change through education and communication. I have immense passion for many things, most surrounding human thinking and nature/our environment. I love to learn and believe that continued learning is key to a fulfilling and joyful life.

Outside of work, you can find me reading, hiking, hanging at the beach with friends, going for a casual bike ride, traveling to somewhere I haven’t been before, or around town immersing myself in all things Ventura.

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Interested in my specific experience? Check out my LinkedIn.

Watch my feature from The One Oh One

Learn more about my background and passions through this feature on YouTube - created by The One Oh One creative community!

LinkedIn recommendations

From Rowan Allen Case; we worked together on a Tech Fleet project in late 2023 as UX writing apprentices, phase 1 for Global Justice Ecology Project website redesign:

”As a member of the UX Writing team, her communication skills stood out even from the rest of us wordsmiths, and she spearheaded the Voice and Tone guide that we delivered to the client, spending large amounts of time and effort defining and highlighting the best ways to speak to and about GJEP and their volunteers, authors, board members, site visitors, and donors. She really stepped up to the plate and took the initiative to make that project her own, with contributions from the rest of us, but ultimately stemming almost entirely from her hard work.“
Read Rowan’s full recommendation >

From Jaime Levick-Oxner; our team co-lead for a Tech Fleet UX Writing project in late 2023, phase 1 for Global Justice Ecology Project website redesign:

“Candace's deep knowledge of design principles and overall product design was an asset, and her ability and willingness to collaborate, learn, and take on new tasks was a large reason our team was so successful. She always participated in cross-functional team meetings and offered support to her teammates. I highly recommend Candace for any UX or Product Design position, she will be an asset to any team she’s on.”
Read Jaime’s full recommendation >

From Stephanie Roncone; we worked together on a Tech Fleet project in late 2023 as UX writing apprentices, phase 1 for Global Justice Ecology Project website redesign:

“She has a natural inclination to be open to learning and taking on new challenges. During our collaboration, I witnessed her eagerness to expand her skill set and embrace unfamiliar concepts. Her ability to quickly grasp new ideas and technologies makes her a valuable asset in any dynamic and evolving field like UX Design. Candace's communication skills are outstanding. She articulates ideas with clarity and precision, and her ability to convey complex concepts in a straightforward manner is not only impressive but also contributes to the success of collaborative projects.”
Read Stephanie’s full recommendation >

From Alanna Olear; our team co-lead for a Tech Fleet UX Writing project in late 2023, phase 1 for Global Justice Ecology Project website redesign:

“Candace made a point to go to cross-functional teams meetings, which helped our teams work together smoothly. She spear-headed discussions with our team about how to speak to GJEP’s audience in a way that is inclusive and accessible. Her thinking process helped our team stay organized, empathize with GJEP’s audience, and clearly define our goals. She stepped up to present to our client multiple times, and did so with confidence and passion. I admired that whenever someone on our team needed help, Candace raised her hand.”
Read Alanna’s full recommendation >